We currently offer four tools available for purchase. The first three tools provide readers of The Culture Map an opportunity to map out themselves, their teammates, and dozens of world cultures on the eight Culture Map dimensions. The fourth tool allows readers of either No Rules Rules or The Culture Map to map out their corporate culture on the Culture Map dimensions.
These tools act as supporting material to the training sessions that Erin and our Culture Map consultants run, as well as provide an opportunity for individuals to apply the concepts described in Erin's books to their own jobs and organizations. The tools are available online and access is immediate once purchased. If you are interested in a corporate wide license of our tools, or bulk purchase for a classroom, please contact us directly.
The Country Mapping Tool
Based on Erin Meyer's book The Culture Map, this tool allows you to click on whichever countries you are working with and receive a cultural mapping of the selected countries/cultures. With this tool you can view how two (or more) cultures fall on the eight culture map scales, comparing how each builds trust, gives feedback, and makes decisions.

The Personal Profile Tool
Respond to 24 questions about your personal approach to communicating, leading teams, and building relationships . The results reveal your own positioning on the eight Culture Map behavioral scales. See how you compare to others of your own culture and then map your results to that of various countries, all on one graph.
The Team Mapping Tool
Building on the Personal Profile Tool, this Team Mapping Tool allows you to compare your answers from the Personal Profile tool with those of other members of your team along the eight dimensions introduced in The Culture Map book. You can see on one graph the results of how you and other members have responded to those same questions.

The Corporate Culture Mapping Tool
Use this tool to map out the culture of your organization or team on the eight Culture Map scales through small group discussion, (just as Netflix did as detailed in chapter 10 of No Rules Rules). Divide your group into small teams and have them debate where the organizational culture falls on the Culture Map scales. Each group uses this tool to plot the positions of the organizational culture. The tool then allows you to view the maps developed by each team on one chart and create a final corporate culture map.